Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Recycled Business Card Holder

In my continuous effort to use up leftover pieces of plywood lying around my shop I created this piece. It is made out of several pieces of 3/4" plywood glued together. The sides of this piece have the oak veneer showing, while the top and front have the exposed layers of plywood that creates a special look.

I knew that I wanted to build a business card holder that was unique and showed that you can use every last piece of wood sitting around the shop. I did some searching on the web and stumbled across a few designs that were similar to what I wanted to do with this design.

This business card holder is a great way to show that even the leftovers are functional and can look good.


  1. hello, I'm here from etsy team and happy to see ur works.

  2. Thanks for coming and taking a look.

  3. Hi, I am passing on a blogging award. I created a special one for you because I didn't think the girly one would look good on your site! Come visit and pick up your award Icon at

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